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Vilkas Suite supportGoogle Analytics
Google Analytics is a free service that lets website operators view statistics on the use of their site, e.g. user numbers, frequently accessed pages or the origin of visitors. These statistics help you to better understand the behaviour and the needs of your customers and to optimise your shop accordingly.
To use Google Analytics for your shop, you first need to log in to Google and specify some basic information about your site on the Analytics website. You receive a tracking ID which you then enter in the administration area of your shop. From this moment on, use of your shop is statistically recorded and you can view all statistics on the Analytics website.
1. Under create a new user account or log in to an existing Google account.
2. This step only needs to be performed if you did not use Google Analytics with this account before: Select Sign up.
3. This step only needs to be performed if you have already linked other websites to Google Analytics: Select ADMIN or the gear symbol and then + Create account.
4. Fill in the registration form and select Get Tracking ID.
5. Accept the usage conditions of Google Analytics.
6. The Tracking ID will now be displayed. Copy this.
7. Enter the administration area of your shop and in the main menu select Marketing >> Google >> Google Analytics.

8. In the Tracking ID field enter the tracking ID.
9. Save your data.
10. Amend your own privacy policy and inform your shop visitors that you use Google Analytics. For more information, read Editing the privacy policy. To give your visitors the possibility to opt out of Google Analytics, add a link to your privacy policy with the following target: javascript:gaOptout() You can find information on how to do this in the article Editing the privacy policy.
Google Analytics now records the statistics for your shop. You can log in to the Google Analytics site and view the statistics.
In order to use the Google Analytics goals and funnels for the checkout, use the tracking URL that is displayed in the administration area of your shop on the page Marketing >> Google >> Google Analytics below the list with the 4 steps. For all other pages copy the URL from the storefront.
To be able to use Google Analytics, your shop must have its own domain.
Check whether the use of Google Analytics is permitted by data privacy laws in your country and if there are any conditions for using this service.