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Vilkas Suite supportImage alignment in the image slider
The image slider is a topic panel on which visitors to your shop are shown several large-format images on a rotating basis.
How the images of the image slider are displayed in your shop depends on the device used by customers. An image might be displayed in its entirety in the desktop version but might be cropped vertically in the mobile version, meaning that the top or the bottom of an image is cut off. In order to prevent the most important parts of an image getting lost in this process, you can align images in the administration area under Editor.
You should have a look at the images before aligning them and ask yourself: Where are its most important parts located?
Here are some examples:

In this image the most important part is the bottom. To avoid that the couple is cropped out, you should align the image to the bottom.

In this image the most important part is the top.

In this image the most important part is in the middle.
1. In the administration area in the main menu select Editor.
2. You will see a list of your shop's pages in the sidebar under Pages. Select the page that you would like to edit or create a new page.
3. Your shop is shown on the right-hand side. Either add a new image slider as described in the article Editing the content of a page or edit an existing one. Hover your mouse over the image slider and select the pencil icon.
4. Here you can take care of all the changes for the image slider that are described in the article Editing the content of a page. Select the image that you would like to edit at the top.
5. Under Image alignment you can determine if the image should be aligned to the top, to the middle or to the bottom.
6. If you would like to edit other images of this image slider go back to step 4. All images you insert can be seen as a preview. They are not published in your shop as long as you do not select Save. If you are sure that you would like to keep them, proceed to step 7.
7. Select Save.