Connections to Vilkas online stores using the REST interface
Offer your service as an application for Vilkas online retailers.

Take advantage of the REST interface of Vilkas Now and Suite e-commerce software

Vilkas REST integration interface operating model
The interface works between the online store and third-party service. All of the following information is read, added, updated and deleted through the integration interface:
- Customer information
- Product group information
- Product information
- Price list information
- Stock information
- Order information
- Coupon code information
In addition, there is an interface that allows you to add your own javascript code to the pages of the Vilkas online store. A set of events are available for Javascript developers, which are triggered at different stages of the order process
Through the interface, the application is available in two ways
The REST integration interface can be used in two different ways. The method of use defines the necessary and thus also the interfaces that can be opened for the application
Make your app available to all Vilkas online retailers
As a service provider, you build your service into a public application that uses the REST interface or, alternatively, a cloud service. When the application is public it is possible to offer your service to all Vilkas Now and Vilkas Suite merchants.
When the application has been worked on, it must still go through the installation process defined by ePages. In the process, Vilkas online stores automatically opens the REST interfaces for use by the application and also supplies the application with the necessary authentication information. As a result, the application can use the REST interface as defined by the service provider.
You can find instructions and a description of the installation process on the ePages developer site.
After the installation process, the application is available and will be added to the ePages application store. From there, the online retailer can use the application in his own online store.
An application or service aimed at individual online retailers
The service provider builds a private application when there is a need to integrate a single VIlkas Now XL or Vilkas Suite Pro online store into, for example, an enterprise resource planning system such as ERP, CRM or POS, or into a warehouse or accounting system.
The online retailer can himself add a private application to his store and define which REST interfaces are opened for the application. At the same time, the necessary authentication credentials are created for the application, which the application needs to use the interface.
It should be noted that using private applications is only possible in the following shop types:
- Vilkas Now XL
- Vilkas Suite Pro
- Vilkas Suite Active

A checklist for developers
This is how you make your application available to Vilkas online retailers
The REST integration interface gives the service provider the opportunity to introduce their own service as an application. Before you start, however, keep these points in mind:
- You can build either a private or a public application of your service
- The private application is available for a specific online retailer and does not require the installation of ePages
- The private application can only be used by Vilkas Now XL and Vilkas Suite Pro merchants
- The public application can be downloaded for all Vilkas Now and Suite merchants from the ePages application store
- The public application goes through the ePages setup process