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Inventory report | Vilkas Group

Written by Vilkas Support | Feb 17, 2019 10:00:00 PM

You can export an inventory report from the web shop that can be used directly for your accounting. It uses the purchase price field from the product settings and also shows the stock location if it has been saved for the products. The most important function of the inventory report is to get a simple report for the accounting, but it can also be used for other inventory activities using the other information in the report.

Export an inventory report

In the shop administration you go to the Products > Import and export page, where you choose the object type "Inventory report" and click the button "Export". This gives you the file "Inventory_report.csv". The file includes the products' purchase prices, list prices, stock levels and also the sum of the stock's purchase price and it's estimated sales value.


Open an inventory report

The file "Inventory_report.csv" can be opened with a spreadsheet program, such as Libre Office Calc, Open Office Calc or Excel. Excel is not optimal for editing CSV files, so we recommend to use the Libre Office instead.

When you open a file, you need to choose the same formatting as when you exported the report from the shop. If the products have 0% VAT, then it might be good to use the column type "Text".


Edit the information by using the inventory report

You can also edit the information using the inventory report. For example, you can add the purchase price for the products in the report and then import it again on the Products > Import and export page by choosing the object type "Inventory report", selecting the file you just edited and then clicking the "Import" button.


In the file, you will find the following information in columns

  • NameOrAlias [NameOrAlias] - The product name
  • ID [Alias] - The product alias, i.e. the product number
  • List price/EUR/net [ListPrices/EUR/net] - The product list price excluding VAT (separately for each currency used in the shop)
  • List price/EUR/gross [ListPrices/EUR/gross] - The product list price including VAT (separately for each currency used in the shop)
  • Purchase price [GBasePurchasePrice] - The product purchase price
  • Tax class [TaxClass] - The product tax class
  • Stock level [StockLevel] - The product stock level
  • Minimum stock level [StockLevelAlert] - The product minimum stock level
  • Stock location [GBaseStockLocation] - The product stock location


These are listed in their own columns, and the total sum is calculated for the columns

  • Stock total value [StockTotalValue] - The total value of the products in stock (calculated with purchase price x stock level) - The total for all products shows at the bottom of the column
  • Stock total sales value (net) / EUR [StockTotalSalesValueNet] - Sales value excluding VAT for the products in stock (calculated with net list price x stock level) - The total for all products shows at the bottom of the column
  • Stock total sales value (gross) / EUR [StockTotalSalesValueGross] - The sales value including VAT for the products in stock (calculated with gross list price x stock level) - The total for all products shows at the bottom of the column


Inventory report FAQ

F: Why does the report have so much extra information, such as the sales value of the products? An inventory report just needs the product number, stock level and purchase price.
S: The report also contains some other information. It does not interfere with the report's accounting value and the extra columns provide useful information about the inventory. These columns can be removed if needed, before adding the file to the bookkeeping.